Box hijab - scilla silk chiffon
Box hijab - scilla silk chiffon
Box hijab - scilla silk chiffon
Box hijab - scilla silk chiffon
Box hijab - capuccino silk of medina
Box hijab - forest silk of medina
365 Quranic reminders
Gift box for men
Les 99 noms d'Allah + coloris
Hijab box LEMONADE - 4 medina silk
Gift box
Ramadan Box
Ramadan is the ideal time to give gifts. Indeed, this is part of the good manners that allow to maintain and consolidate the family relations between the giver and the receiver. Our Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) recommended that we take care of the people around us by giving gifts.
Al-Bukhari also reported that Aisha said, "The Messenger of Allah used to accept gifts and reward people for their kindness. This hadith proves that accepting gifts and giving something in return to the person a gift of equal (or greater) value was a custom of the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).
Let's take advantage of this blessed month to offer ourselves and our family, friends, and acquaintances Ramadan boxes. Jennah boutique offers various boxes for Muslim women and men at very convenient prices!
- Box Ramadan :
A box with everything you need for this Ramadan 2023? Yes, it's possible, to discover the Ramadan box which includes a prayer robe, a prayer mat, and a tasbih. The perfect box to have everything you need this month. Your box will be accompanied by a hadith, an invocation, or a duaa, to encourage you and have it as a little souvenir of this blessed month.
- Box for men :
Discover our Junaid box for men, a very complete box with a quamis and accessories for men. Ideal to offer for your husband, your dad, or your brother. The essential box to have!
- Box for women:
Do you want to offer a box to your wife, your mom, or your sister? Discover all our hijab boxes as well as our new special large-size boxes, you will have the possibility to choose the articles yourself and insert them in the box. We will prepare your order with care so that you receive your box in good condition. Let's take advantage of the Aid 2023 and the month of Ramadan to consolidate our links!
Discover all our boxes by clicking here.